-Breakfast buffet
- Wi-fi in the room
- Anti-stress massage of 30 minutes at the hotel.
It is necessary to book it in advance and is subject to availability
- Spa circuit of 90 minutes.
It is necessary to book it in advance and is subject to availability.
You will need to bring a bathrobe, slippers, swimsuit and bathing cap, or you can rent it at the spa. The service is provided in Urban Spa.
Supplement per person: € 68.
Check availability and prices and book your executive package.
Important: it is necessary to inform the hotel of the time and day of the massage.
Book now
- Wi-fi in the room
- Anti-stress massage of 30 minutes at the hotel.
It is necessary to book it in advance and is subject to availability
- Spa circuit of 90 minutes.
It is necessary to book it in advance and is subject to availability.
You will need to bring a bathrobe, slippers, swimsuit and bathing cap, or you can rent it at the spa. The service is provided in Urban Spa.
Supplement per person: € 68.
Check availability and prices and book your executive package.
Important: it is necessary to inform the hotel of the time and day of the massage.
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